
Taiping and my birthday!

7:28 PM

Saturday I was able to visit a friend, and current YES exchange student to California, in his homeotwn Taiping. Although it's only an hour drive from little old Ipoh, I had only been once with my host family where I ate mee udang then left. Which is quite typical for Malaysia.
Anyways, my friend's family took me to a coal factory, and a seafood market. The coal factory was really neat, it smelled smoky and I had no idea charcoal actually came from wood. A far cry from the stuff we put on our barbecues in the US. The seafood market, albeit the stinkiness, was so traditional and had amazing fried tiger prawns.
Afterwards, we went to the Lake Gardens, a beautiful attraction in Taiping. We got there just as the sun was setting which made for some very beautiful photographs. The best part is that it was very non-touristy, so I was able to experience a part of every day life for some dedicated joggers and fishermen. Hands down one of the most picturesque and serene places I've been and I absolutely want to go back one day.
I also am another year older! My birthday was 14 January and overall it was a good day. My class surprised me with a New York Cheesecake (score) and a wonderful card. I love my class. Seriously. The next night, after modelling for my host mom's new spa advertisements, I went to karaoke with my host dad and some of his friends. I'm not saying things were wild, but they got silly string on the KFC... and in my hair.

In the room where they burn the wood for charcoal


Tiger prawns

Colorful Plastic Bags


So gorgeous!

At my early birthday dinner. Duck faces because asia.

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  1. this is my hometown! :) Taiping also known as their "33 First" in Malaysia; first railway, first prison, first lake garden and etc..

    1. and now u want to be the first commentator? khairil marwan the guava's boy

  2. Another AMAZING!!! experience for my daughter. Happy Sweet Sixteen. Mom and I are very proud of you. Even Kingsford charcoal comes from wood although it doesn't have a nutritional statement on it. Love Dad

  3. The more i read about your blog, the more i know much about Malaysia that even I haven't experience...nice!

  4. tiger prawns??? that should be udang lipan or known as mantis shrimps

  5. Hai Hannah how are you? wish you stay healthy always (^_^)
    and Happy bIRTHDAY may god bless you and family always :)

  6. haha. bukan tiger prawn la hannah. centipede prawn tu.


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