
School in Malaysia

My school is SMK Seri Puteri, a public all girl’s school known for its strict rules, but also its wonderful teachers. I began school Friday, 13 July, exactly two weeks ago. On Wednesday, I went with my host uncle to visit the school. I talked to the head of discipline who informed me that I would be placed in Form 4, despite being...

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3 weeks! (I'm alive. I promise.)

It is crazy that I have been here for 2 weks already! It feels like it's been forever yet no time at all. Sorry for not posting as often as I would like to, I have no internet at my host family's house. It kind of sucks, but at the same time it keeps me from being constantly talking to people back home....

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Writing to you live from an internet cafe from the beautiful country of Malaysia! I have safely arrived in Kuala Lumpur after 3 very long days of travel. It's incredble here, everything is overwhelming and I love it already. The sights, sounds, smells, everything. We were greeted by palm trees and sun as we left the airport and spent an afternoon eating food...

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