
11 Years Later- How Living in a Primarily Muslim Country Has Changed My Views of the World

3:50 PM

 Everyone in the older generation can say that they clearly remember where they were, what they were doing and who they were with when JFK was assassinated, when Neil Armstrong took his first steps on the moon, and when the Berlin wall came down. But as for the younger generation, my generation, we do not have any of those memories. To many of us, JFK is just an airport, Neil Armstrong is confused with the bicyclist, and the Berlin wall is no more than a piece of history we file away in the back of our minds, left to settle with other dates that we mindlessly spit out onto paper when exam time arrives, no thought to the impact it had on our world.
                But we have our own memories. Events that shape our world. On September 11, 2001, I was 4 years old. Parts of that morning are startlingly memorable for me, spots of clarity in a pre-schooler’s world of sandboxes, play-dates, and stuffed animals. That day started as so many others had before it. I was sitting in our blue recliner in my pajamas, watching the Today Show. My mom had gone to do something or other upstairs, leaving me to watch the morning news report. I remember seeing flames on the TV screen, my New York City on fire. At 4 years old, the 5 boroughs were no stranger to me, my father working in Manhattan and various friends and family scattered around the rest of the island.
“Mama!” I yelled up the staircase, “Mommy, come quick!” Her footsteps followed with little haste. 4 year-old me was notorious for making an empty sippy-cup seem like the end of the world. She walked towards me, and stopped dead in her tracks.
“Hannah, honey, what are you watching? Did you change the channel and find a scary movie?” Although her voice was soothing, there was a tone to it that told me she was trying to tell herself that the horrific scene on the screen before us was only a movie, just Hollywood’s special effects  showcased in the latest film. Her eyes took in the headlines, the raw footage, the camera’s shakiness as the city she once called home filled with smoke. She sank slowly into the chair beside me, as she took in the scene. “Your father…” she whispered, “His office building... Right there…”
And that’s when the panic set in.            
2001 was in that disconnected time when cell phones were rare and exotic, much like a tropical bird or Venezuelan restaurant. After seeing the scenes on the tv that she’ll never be able to unsee, my mom perched herself at the kitchen table. She wrapped the curly phone cord around her fingers and dialed. Again and again. At first, busy signals. Then nothing. The plane crash had knocked out power in my father’s office building, the building directly next to the World Trade Center. My mom tried to stay calm for me, but also for herself. Despite her attempts, her smiles and reassuring words were all transparent and I could tell that this morning would not be like all the others, no morning spent watching Sesame Street, no walking down the street to get pizza and go to the park. After a good hour of unanswered calls, my mom told me to get dressed. Like every other Tuesday, we were going to Bible Study.
At the church, the elder ladies smothered my mom with hugs and promises that things would be okay. Though their children were long past grown, motherly instincts have a way of sticking around and surfacing when people need them most. In times of tragedy, we turn to routine, cling to the things that remind us that life was once normal. In that room, filled with blue-haired ladies and Bibles, I remember thinking that maybe things would be okay. Maybe. A word filled with hope, but also some fear and always uncertainty.
After Bible study, my mother and I returned to our tiny condo. We tried to act natural, drinking cocoa and watching the news, but the house seemed missing something, father’s things serving as a reminder of all the unanswered questions and unknowns. The phone finally rang. I don’t know what my dad said or discussed in that call. The only thing was that he was safe. It’s strange how things work out sometimes. The day my dad had jury duty was the day all the windows in his office were blown apart, such a bothersome thing may just have saved his life. Others have these stories too, these miracles. My friend Tom’s dad called in sick that day, the day where everyone else in his fire department died. So many have these stories, but so many don’t.
In the days that passed, life went on. The tv was always tuned to NBC, the latest story of bravery, or of tragedy, or of unrequited human cruelty streaming across the bottom of the screen. In those days, our country united. We were the United States of America; we were one people, one eye weeping for all the victims of 9-11, one jumbled nation trying to pick itself on the ground and decide how and if to rebuild.
At 4 years old, my number one asked question was, “Why?” It was as easy for me to ask “Why did they blow up New York?” as it was to ask why the sky was blue. At 4 years old, I’m not sure if my parents knew how to put it. They tried to put it into words I would understand, bad men doing bad things, but at 4 years old, I struggled to still find the why.
TV reports and documentaries and newspapers and magazines about that day fall into a blur in my head.  Pictures of bearded men in turbans and the word “Muslim” stuck out to me. This Muslim thing was foreign to me then, a mysterious religion where women hid their hair and prayed a lot and didn’t eat bacon. I connected these pictures, these people with bad. With fear. At 4 years old, I was more than content to package up 9-11 as an entire religion that was against our country. I associated hijab with hate, and Muslim with murder. Those answers were simple, and I held on to them as life gravitated towards a new normal..
It is our job to realize not only the importance
        of how we view others, but how others view us
It is easy to say that our worlds were flipped upside down that day. My dad’s office building was inaccessible for months and our living room became his new office for a while. Thousands mourned their loved ones; sisters, brothers, friends. Relationships grew stronger as people learned to accept and move on. But some didn’t move on; some couldn’t. As the death toll rose, so did our fear. And with fear comes blame. In times of tragedy, it is so easy to place the fault on an unrealistic target. Thousands of American Muslims suddenly became the enemy. They were viewed as less than human, considered evil for actions they had no part in. As the years past, I’d like to say that my views changed entirely, but a part of me still hung onto those childhood conclusions. Just as some harbor a fear of the dark from their earliest years, I held onto a belief that being Muslim was a bad thing for many years. There were so many like me, not just adolescents remembering a day in their childhood, but adults too. There still are. Headlines reflect this. Arguments over proposed mosques near Ground Zero, murder of innocent Muslims, people being unnecessarily searched in airports because of their hijab or beards. For a nation that prides itself on being the land of the free and the home of the brave, it seems as if freedom applies only to those that we can accept as normal, and fear sets in around those who aren’t. It’s been said a million times before, but does “We the People” mean all the people? Growing up in a primarily Caucasian suburb, sometimes “We the People” seems to mean “We the White Christians.”  
In April 2012, my world flipped upside down again. I won 3 full scholarships to study abroad in countries all over the world. Suddenly, Venezuela, Germany, and Malaysia became possible future homes. I’ve always wanted to study abroad, but deciding where to go was incredibly difficult. Germany promised bratwurst and Oktoberfest, Venezuela was an invitation for tamales and tango, and Malaysia? Malaysia was the one country I never thought I’d end up in. I never expected to get that scholarship and especially not to that country. Wikipedia searches introduced me to a land that is known for its unique blend of culture, a land rich with history and heat. A land where Islam is the official religion, though others can practice their own religion freely. I’m half proud to say that my view on Muslims has changed as I’ve reached my teen years. But only half, because at the back of my mind there was still that lingering what if, that part of my childhood that stuck in my brain. Nevertheless, I chose Malaysia. I knew it would be different, really different. And the differences would teach me more than a book, or a movie, or even a vacation there ever could. So 35 hours of orientations, 4 conference calls, one Department of State visit, and 3 long flights later, there I was in Malaysia. Actually, here I am.
I’ve been in Malaysia for a little over 2 months now, and I have 9 months left here. I attend a local high school and live with a Malaysian family. The culture shock I experienced here was crazy. Everything here is louder, more colorful and so alive. Walk down the street and you can see a mosque, Hindu temple, Buddhist temple, and church all within a couple blocks of each other. Malaysia is a country where different races exist together in peace, where being of a different ethnicity doesn’t determine your friends or dreams. I hear the call to prayer forming a harmony with the Buddhist chants, mixing with the smell of Hindu incense, forming a sort of magic in the humid air. Each day here is a learning experience, and my favorite teachers are my host family.
My host family consists of some of the most amazing people I have ever met. I have a host mother and father, a younger and older sister, and a younger brother. We live in a decent-sized house; have three cats and a pet monkey. Both of my host parents work a lot and are very dedicated to their jobs. My host family is Muslim.
I wasn’t sure how to feel when I got that news. Part of me was nervous that my very American views and ways would be seen as immodest, immoral or even wrong, but another part of me was filled with excitement at the chance to learn about a life that I would’ve never experience had I remained in the US this year.
The first few days with this family were surprisingly free of the typical glaring awkwardness that exchange students feel in a new family. Being with a new family is not only forming relationships with new people; it is also having to adapt to a new routine. It is a different shower, kitchen, bedroom, it’s not being able to sleep because you can’t figure out how to turn on the air conditioning, it’s staying up until your host parents come home because not only is the TV in a different language,  but there doesn’t seem to be a power button anywhere on the screen or remote. It’s putting 100% faith in complete strangers that they will care for you, accept you, and deal with the times where homesickness hits and it hurts so bad you can’t move.
They hug me and tell me everything’s okay as if I’m they’re daughter. As if we were natural family. They opened their hearts to me and I love what I have found. Just because they’re Muslim doesn’t make them automatically one hundred percent different than me. I’ve learned a lot. Not only about what being Muslim means to my family, but what being in a Muslim family means to me.
I’ve shared so many unique experiences with them. I fasted 5 days for Ramadhan, which made me appreciate the consequent holiday of Eid-Al Fitri (known as Hari Raya in Malaysia) so much more. I’ve seen my family pray and although I haven’t been in a mosque yet, I plan on going to one. I’ve worn the hijab and have been told I look Bosnian when doing so. But I’ve also learned how we’re the same. About how much they remind me of my own family. I’ve been to the movies, gone to the mall, been swimming, eaten pizza, KFC, and McDonald’s (all halal!), attended school, had sleepovers, shared clothes, sung karaoke, danced and watched all sorts of TV shows with my host family. In school, I talk to Muslim girls about which band member they think is the cutest or which Olympic swimmer looks the best shirtless.
My point here is that besides religion, what is the difference between Muslims and everyone else in the world? Why did we foot the blame on them when most of them have never thought even for a second about hurting another person, let alone bringing our entire country to its knees? Maybe they were an easy target. A lot of people, myself included before my time abroad, have little to no exposure to Muslim culture. They see a woman wearing the headscarf, but they don’t see the personal choice she is making to honor and respect her God. They see people fasting from dawn until dusk, but have no idea what that’s like. They don’t know the dry feeling of not drinking for 12 hours, or the hunger pains, but above that they don’t realize that these feelings let people experience what those who lack experience on a daily basis.
This lack of exposure leads to misunderstandings, ignorance and a false sense of insecurity. People’s hearts may beat faster when they see a man in a turban at their boarding gate. What people’s hearts fail to see is the man that may be a brother or a father. Perhaps he too just finished drinking overpriced airport coffee and just wants to have a smooth flight. More than likely, he is just as uncomfortable with being stared at as a person is staring at him. He is a human being like the rest of us, 46 chromosomes, 2 eyes, one mouth and one heart. Imagining someone looking at my host father like that makes me feel ill. How could they possibly judge and decide this wonderful man is to be feared based on his religion? Do we judge Christians for praying or singing hymns? For wearing cross necklaces or hanging rosary beads in their cars? Probably not. So why are we so quick to challenge or fear something, simply because it’s different?
When people ask me if Americans hate Muslims, I’m never sure what to say. The textbook is of course not, we accept them for who they are. The real answer is that some Americans do. Harbored feelings of anger and resentment have turned some away from a people and religion that deserve no such blame to carry. With all the shootings and violence in media, I’m sure some of the perpetrators must have been religious. Yet there are no headlines about the ways of Christianity being questioned, or the entire Protestant community being called out for what one of their members has done. A religion may define a person, but it is wrong for one person to define an entire religion.
So thankful for these amazing people!
(Can you tell which one is me?)
Finding a place to belong in this family has changed my perspective beyond compare. It’s erased the childhood fears and replaced them with an appreciation for a religion and way of life that is different than the one I practice. It’s amazing how 2 months have changed my outlook on so much and there isn’t a part of me that wishes more Americans could learn what I have, could experience these events that are shaping me to be an improved version of myself. The opportunity I have been given is one that has broken down walls in my head, and helped me find a set of people that I wholeheartedly care about. Despite our differences in religions, appearance, apparel and beliefs, we are a family. A second family that I wouldn’t trade for anything.
The scholarship I’m on is the Kennedy-Lugar YES Abroad scholarship. It was created after 9-11 to send students from countries with a significant Muslim population to live in the US for up to one year. Funded by the State Department (your taxes at work), the YES Program sent 850 students into the US this year. When the program was first starting, many students asked why not send Americans abroad? In 2009, their questions were recognized, the first class of 35 YES Abroad students spent years or semesters in countries all around the world. I am a member of the third YES Abroad class. This year 53 of us went to 9 different countries for one year. Morocco, Oman, Malaysia, Thailand, Bosnia and Herzegovina, India, Ghana, Turkey and Indonesia. These are not the countries of a typical high school exchange, but then again we are not your typical exchange students. Our applications included essays, pictures, academic information and an In-Person Selection Event in Denver. We are all in our respective countries because we strongly believe in the mission of YES, to increase cultural awareness and sharing through youth ambassadors. We are giving up our year for the future. Many of us are missing prom, sweet sixteens, weddings, graduations in order to be where we are. We’ve flown halfway around the world, leaving a familiar life, family and friends behind in order to change the way we see the world and the way the world sees the United States. As teenagers, we believe in an America that understands and appreciates its different religions and races.
Writing this was the first time I’ve come face to face with the stereotypes I didn’t realize I was making when I was younger. I am forever grateful to my natural family, to the State Department, and to my host family for supporting me in this year. Exchange is often referred to as a catalyst for change in someone’s character and opinions, and that has proven absolutely true. It’s hard to measure the effectiveness of programs like this in statistics, but sitting here writing this next to my Muslim family, I am at home; I am happy. And that shows more than any percentage or pie chart could ever say.
The 11th anniversary of 9-11 is today. 9-11 will be an event that will forever define our generation, but it is up to us how so. We can be considered the age group that hates Muslims, or we can be the group that learned to love in the midst of tragedy.

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  1. Eventhough i'm a non-muslim malaysian,but your words touch my heart. :')

    1. Thanks to post.Its true that You are incredible.In Malaysia WOW-Adventures.com, a site dedicated to adventure travelling along with MARINE FISHING ADVENTURES,4WD MECHANICAL MONSTERS,SUNSHINE BAY RESORT,OUTDOOR WOW ADVENTURE,STEAM BUILDING ,CUSTOMIZE YOU OWN ADVENTURES!Adventure lover or traveler may contact in the below website wow-adventures(dot)com/

  2. this post made my heart cry eagle tears

  3. Hey hannah, I'm Siti, a Form 5 student from your school. We met on your first day here but I don't think you remember me haha. Anyway, I really love this blog post of yours! Honestly, The way you write is amazing! Do write more 'cause I enjoy reading your blog so much. =)

  4. You told me once you don't think your writing was very good.

    Hannah. You are incredible. Your words took root in a memory I don't even remember having. I was 6 when this happened. I also lived in Canada. And at school. I have no recollection of this, but you made this such a real feeling as if I was with you experiencing this.

    You're amazing Hannah. And I am proud to be a part of YES Abroad with you. :)

    You also kinda do look Bosnian with the hijab :)

  5. Hi Hannah, I'm Cee, a YES Abroad India alum (2011-2012). This post is fantastic! You write so clearly, but with an eloquence that is captivating, and your thoughts on the perception of Islam in America are honest and moving. I'm glad you're part of YES Abroad, because you are a credit to our name :)

  6. sorry to say that; but only orang melayu(muslims) would say all religions live in peace in malaysia...

    but besides that your blog is great!

    1. Hannah, I know you don't know me but I know your dad from when he was a teen. He emailed me asking that I read your profoundly beautiful essay. Your mom and dad must be soooo incredibly proud of you and your amazing accomplishments. Your essay and point of view are on human target. May you always be blessed with your prolific insight. You make me proud that you represent the U.S.A. .

  7. Am a Junior Blogger. Blogging is all about being the element of change in a society thats filled with a myriad challenges especially for teenagers. My father inspires me to be that element of change... and your writing ie your viewpoint on this matter is exactly what this world needs. To see the world from a child (Teens) point of view is a point of view filled with innocence and hope. A point of view that is uncorrupted by elements of distrust..suspicions..and bad faith. You do have talent for writing. Carry on writing.. and be that element of change in whatever society or world for the benefit of all mankind.

  8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  9. What beautiful and honest insights! As an AFS YES volunteer, I'm so darn proud of you and look forward to following you this year! Peace!
    Doreen in Colorado

  10. I'm a Malaysian studying in the United States this year.
    Reading this article moved me as I rarely see such appreciation for a culture like Malaysia's. People hardly take notice of us, and at the mention of it being a Muslim state, I get a few wide eyes of "Oh".

    That aside, being here, I've learned so much about your culture,too. Because as you see the our grand mosques, Hindu and Buddhist temples - I witness your magnificent churches and Jewish temples. I've learned that not all Americans are like the characters in How I Met Your Mother or Gossip Girl - just like how you realized not all muslims were the ones responsible for 9/11.

    Thank you - and have a great stay in Malaysia. I hope it touches you as much as it has touched for me all these years.

  11. Wow. Just wow. I'm from the UK and this is excellent. You are excellent. Thank you very much for such an honest and candid article. I hope this article gets the attention it deserves. It could change more lives.

  12. Good, keep an open mind! I would recommend you not fall into any "white guilt" traps or assume you must be apologetic for being American.

    There WILL be those that make assumptions about you just based on nationality and religion and their perceived roles in the world. Knowing this helps answer your first question of "why?".

    Finally I would assume that knowing how profound 9/11 was will help you have an appreciation for earlier history and events. George Santayana has a nice quote about remembering the past.

  13. This was beautiful! Thank you so much for keeping such an awesome blog!

  14. Thank you for this beautifully written post. I'd been living in Los Angeles for 6 years when 9/11 happened. Ironically, my flight back to Malaysia was supposed to be on the same day. I hope these cultural exchanges continue and that their ripple effect will encourage all of us to start looking at each other as individuals, as people, rather than a blanket label. I hope you enjoy the rest of your time in Malaysia!

  15. A Canadian Muslim in MalaysiaSeptember 12, 2012 at 11:38 AM

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Hannah. It's good to see that you are enjoying your time here in Malaysia and are increasing your knowledge and understanding of the world by living with different people in a different part of the world. We need more exchanges like yours to break down the ignorance and other barriers that are causing so much trouble and conflict in the world. With respect to one comment that you made about a woman wearing hijab as a personal choice "...to honor and respect her God...", I do hope that you will realize as you get to know Islam better that "her" God is not just hers: He is yours too. Because there is only one God and we all (Muslims, Christians, and Jews) pray to and worship Him - regardless of the fact that we do so in very different ways. Our goal is the same: to please and serve Him with our words and deeds so that we might enjoy life in the hereafter.

  16. Being a Malaysia, I completely agree that its an outstanding country with diverse culture. I am not a Muslim, but being a Muslim is not bad at all, I have Muslim friends who are so open minded and at the same time, some of them are absolutely contrariwise.

    Anyways, I am glad you enjoyed the short stay in Malaysia. Please spread the news around and increase our tourism stats... Cheers!

  17. You're very fortunate! I have made five trips to Penang in the past two years. Long trips, at least a month long. And it's just not enough! It's a beautiful country. And I'm glad you're experiencing different cultures and religions. I had plenty of Muslims friends before visiting Malaysia for the first time. But being there during Ramadan, breaking the fast with them, getting to visit a mosque, it was a very welcoming experience. Malaysia has the added advantage of hosting beautiful Buddhist temples, modest but colorful Hindu temples, and beautiful colonial era churches.

    I wish I had been able to visit when I was your age.

    1. I'm from Penang and colonial era bldgs are cool like my high school PFS.

  18. Just wonderful , i hope many many people read this . PLEASE may i have your permission to reblog it on my Malaysian blog . Am Scottish and have lived on and off in Penang for six years .


  19. beautiful piece hannah.. i'm glad you are enjoying the stay as i enjoyed my stay in chicago years ago (pre 9/11). keep writing...

  20. Hi Hannah!i was really proud and inspired after reading your post.I was a AFS YES returnee for year 2011/2012 in the US and as you've said,i will forever owe my life to everyone i've met throughout this exchange and its processes.It was life-changing and have shaped me into a better person.If you're still here,lets hang out with me and my other retunees/friends.Contact me on facebook:Yong Dianah or email me at deeyanahv94@gmail.com.

  21. Hi Hannah!i was really proud and inspired after reading your post.I was a AFS YES returnee for year 2011/2012 in the US and as you've said,i will forever owe my life to everyone i've met throughout this exchange and its processes.It was life-changing and have shaped me into a better person.If you're still here,lets hang out with me and my other retunees/friends.Contact me on facebook:Yong Dianah or email me at deeyanahv94@gmail.com.

  22. Beautifully written and most touching. I am glad you have a good host family, as I did too when I did my AFS Year in Danmark. That experience broke many stereotype views for me too which is why cultural exchanges through living abroad should continue and receive recognition and support from all governments. All the best to you for the rest of your stay and hope to meet up with you soon.

  23. Dear Hannah,

    How old did you say you are? Sixteen? Well, I am 49 of age, Malaysian, a father of three. I must commend you for the way you write. I wouldn't have expected less maturity, insight and skillful communication from someone aged 21 or older.

    At the same time, I appreciate the fact that an American youth (you) has found our people to be warm, friendly and peace-loving. Your host family seems to be good people indeed.

    On the other hand, I travel to America once or twice a year for business. I must say that from the immigration officers to other business people and plain folks who noticed my Muslim name, they do not show any untoward reaction towards me. In fact, they are very friendly, or polite in the least. I have American friends too and they are great friends.

  24. Thank you for your lovely story. I wanted to share, albeit in too brief a space, the year and the people that changed my life. I was fortunate to have been given the opportunity to live with a Malay family in Malaysia for an entire year through the American Field Service (AFS) in 1976-77. At sixteen I left the Boston, Massachusetts area of the United States and lived in Kampong Melayu Majidi, Johor Baharu (JB), Malaysia with what became my second family. To this day I think of them that way! The extended family from Nanni (great grandmother) to the baby that was born, at home, during that year, changed my life. They opened their home to me and treated me as one of their own. I bathed, cooked, cleaned, ate, slept, laughed and cried as one of them. I attended school at English College in JB and remained dear friends with many of my classmates. I wept bitterly when I had to leave explaining in Malay to my atok that my heart was torn -- broken apart -- by the departure. Upon my arrival back home after the year had ended, without email at that time, I became terribly sad missing them so. I tried to return several times to maintain contact, bringing my daughter and partner to meet them. This year had profound impact that has now spanned three generations -- my parents and my daughter all saw the gift this family bestowed upon me and how I was changed for the better because of them. They taught me acceptance and unconditional love, loving me even though I was a too boisterous an American teenager really without much skills to contribute to a household. At that time I was very Christian and they accepted that and we shared our religions openly and beyond tolerance -- with genuine curiosity about the core elements, stories, and practices of each religion. They shared what they had and welcomed my friends -- Malay, Chinese, Indian, American. This Hari Raya, I will visit my host sister in Virginia and celebrate not only the holiday, but this deep friendship and family life together with her children and my daughter -- passing along the faith, hope, and love born of sharing cultures and a true openness to accept and celebrate one another as the lovely people we are and are called to be. I invite everyone who reads this to reach out to people of all cultures and to get to know them and to learn what they taught me -- that our different cultures are to be shared and honored while celebrating our fundamental humanity that unites us -- our time on this earth is a blink and we must embrace one another as the gifts we are to one another and learn from each other, as family, during this adventure. So, as the old AFS song goes, "Walk together, talk together, all you people of the earth...then and only then shall we have peace." In appreciation and gratitude to my keluarga Melayu -- my Malay family -- Peace and Love, Emily

    1. Thank you Emily,it is indeed a wonderful stories of young American girl experienced living abroad in unknown world.Your stories really inspires me and others to do the same to others,spreading unconditional loves to all human being.Wish you all the best in life with your love ones in US

    2. Dear Emily, Thank you for sharing your experience when you were in Malaysia. Did you ever get to return to Malaysia after your first visit? I am sure your host family would really be very happy to see you again!

  25. Hi Hannah,

    What a wonderful blog you have written, so eloquent and truthful..

    Congratulations for securing a place in your YES program. I hope you have a great stay in Malaysia and continue to embrace & immerse yourself in our wonderful Malaysian culture.

    And I had to look twice before I could pick up which one you were from the picture.

    God bless you always.


  26. Hi Hannah

    May I say that you have written a lovely blog from the heart. I am so pleased that you have had the fortunate opportunity to have a year experiencing life in my beautiful country, Malaysia.

    I am a non Muslim Malaysian , living in the UK. I am married to a lovely English lady and we have 2 children. It is important to appreciate that there are many different cultures, religions and ways of life which stem from different parts of the globe. Tolerance and respect for each other plays a big part in how Malaysia has evolved as a country. Do not get me wrong....Malaysia , like every country had its fair share of strives and problems and it still has but it has come a very very long way in making sure that its diverse population live in harmony. In every society , there will be people who will moan about anything and everything.The good things that you mentioned in your blog demonstrates that it is not all bad. If anything Malaysia has one of the most stable parliamentary monarchy in the world, with the King being rotated every 5 years ( unless His Highness passes away during his reign).

    Thank you for posting your lovely experience in my country, Malaysia and also to show that not all Muslims are the same.The majority of Muslims , like any other religion , are very nice , peaceful people. I have many Muslims friends, both in the UK and in Malaysia. The mutual respect and tolerance and the ability to live side by side even with different religions cannot be a bad thing. It saddens me that nearly all conflicts and wars in the world stem from differences in religions. If we can live in a safer and more peaceful World , that will be a good thing.

    Once again thank you and I wish you well in your studies and stay in Malaysia.

  27. A beautiful piece...straight from the heart :-)
    Good work, Hannah.

  28. Your memory as a four year old is incredibly detailed! I can’t recall a single memory as a four year old, granted I’m twice your age, but still.

    Anyway.. I’m impressed by how well written this blog is and how well you’ve embraced everything that’s so different to what you’re used to as a 15 years old. These are invaluable qualities which will certainly help you to succeed in your adult life whatever path you choose. Keep it up!

  29. from a Malaysian, thank you for writing such a beautiful heartwarming piece. it's truly an honour to see the perspective from an American, especially one who personally came so close to 9/11. thank you for having such an open mind and open heart and welcoming Malaysia with open arms - and I can only hope we've only returned the warmth! do enjoy your stay in my home country x

  30. Thanks Hannah for the amazing article.

    a Malaysian in Nashville, TN

  31. Wonderful. I lack the words to describe how you have touched me and i hope others would be too, by this well articulated, and well written piece of art. May God almighty keep you safe as an instrument of peace and love.

  32. You could not have written at a better time. Thank you, thank you, thank you for your honest observations but mostly for following your heart to visit our country and experience the unique way of life here. You have not just enlightened the whole world with this piece, but you have made us aware that enemies only exist within ourselves.

    May you enjoy the rest of your days here. :o)

  33. Hello Hannah. You are a very eloquent writer, and I can see why you secured that scholarship to live abroad. I am a chinese malaysian, and while I appreciate your love for my country, I have to say that in a sheltered life of a teenager, as did I so many years ago, Malaysians appeared to be a paradise of multiracial multireligious people living in apparent harmony....until reality hits you when you step out of high school. Then you will realize that many are unhappy because the Malays have everything handed down to them on a silver platter, that being non-Malay means you can only get up the rank of corporate leadership to that much and no more, that you are denied a place in college even though you are a much better student because the places are reserved for Malays. Our current political unrest is testimony to the many years of abuses. I truly believe if you live and work here, you will see a whole different world.

    1. You one ungrateful malaysian. enough said.

    2. It's people like you who gives Malaysia a bad name in the international circles and you dare call yourself Malaysian when you don't really have that Malaysian spirit. Ask yourself this, who controls the economy in the country? Who lists as the richest in the country? In every Malay corporate company in Malaysia, there are non-Malays be it Chinese or Indians in the top management. Can the same be said the other way around? Who is being discriminated upon now? Even so, the Malays are not complaining. They take it in their stride. They don't go to the streets to harp about this. They have learn to live with it, take it as it is. So, do you think that the non-Malays can be what they are today or achieve what they have today if ample opportunity is not given to them? Go figure. Stop complaining as if you are discriminated upon. Please, don't poison this beautiful essay and the minds of other people reading this with your ugly thoughts. People from other countries can appreciate your country as it is. Why can't you?

    3. never ever could you find any country in the world but Malaysia, where chinese/tamil vernacular school still exist!

      that's enough to say how tolerant malays are. you should be grateful.

      as of discriminacy, go and find it yourself some chinese companies who hire just chinese in Penang. this is true stories.

      a friend to my best friend who is an Indian was rejected a job in Malacca and the owner just mentioned " we're not hiring you because you're not chinese"

      this is truly pathetic as the malays are willing to share everything, yet the chinese are so kiasu.

      *not all chinese are racist, coz I have many chinese friends

    4. Malaysian government are considerable enough to keep vernacular school going even though this the main reasons of promoting total isolation of chinese and indian from other Malaysian.In local Universities ,Chinese and Indian have their own study groups and dont want to share knowledge and information with others,totally deserted from others,no harmonic means,not interested to mingle with international students etc.In real world,this is not the standard of living everybody are keen to work with,competency without noble means mean nothing,and not accepted in international practices where trust is the key element number 1 in doing business or others,let this culture being removed from our generation once and for all..

  34. so you are 2nd from the left, standing, i guess?

    touched by your writing. keep it up! good person with good thoughts deserves good returns, whether you'll get it now, later, or hereafter.. =)

    -zach from Ampang,Selangor,Malaysia-

  35. Hannah,
    So beautifully written, It is wonderful that you are sharing your journey via your blog.
    It is great to know you are doing so well and enjoying this incredible experience.
    I know your friends miss you, but are happy for you.
    Take care of yourself and continue to enjoy your journey.

    Ellen Speller- Cassidy's Mom

  36. I'm sitting hear stunned having read that blog. It so eloquently describes the challenges facing us all as we try to break down stereotypes. Even after my AFS year in Malaysia, I find myself falling into the trap of accepting (not questioning) the opinion of the masses.

    Well done Hannah

  37. This post was shared with some staff members in the AFS office in Portland, Oregon. We are so proud of students like you! And so happy to hear you are making the most of your year on program. You will continue to make an impact on the world with your tolerance and compassion, no doubt.

  38. Hi Hannah

    What an awesome writing talent you have. Just awesome. I would buy your book. Enjoy your time in Malaysia.

    -A Malaysian

  39. Hi Hannah,

    You have a splendid way of writing that made my father amazed. I am a US-born Malaysian. Now I live in Penang, Malaysia. I was 3 years old during that tragedy. I am touched by your article. Enjoy your time in Malaysia. I think you better try to eat all of the foods in Malaysia because Malaysia is the 'Food Heaven'.

    -A proud Muslim :)

  40. I hope you are already a muslim by now. Anyway very nice story and i ask for permission to share. thanks ms Hannah..

    1. This is a lovely piece of writing. I don't think anyone needs to proselytize.

  41. Dear Hannah.
    I was in the midst of doing work when someone shared this on fb. and I just HAD to stop and read it.

    I have only 3 things to say

    I LOVE IT!

    you are very mature for your age and it shows in your writing and the unbiased way you perceive the world. As a Malaysian Muslim, I am touched.

    I wish you all the best. enjoy your stay in Malaysia! and our food! :)

  42. Hi everyone! First off, I would like to thank you all for taking the time to read this. The response has been incredible and every comment I read means the world to me. For all that have asked, feel free to share this on your blog, facebook, twitter, etc. All I request is that you credit my blog. I encourage you all to share with family, friends, coworkers, teachers, whoever you wish. Again, I cannot thank you enough.

  43. Hi Hannah!

    Awesome article. Was really touched by it as a Malaysian. Would definitely like to republish it, on a Malaysian student online magazine which I write for - CEKU - www.ceku.org. If I could ask what is your last name so I can credit you properly? Thanks for this.

    Syahirah - syahirahsj@ukeconline.com

  44. As a Malaysian, I am so delighted to hear that you are having a wonderful time in our country and that your time here has helped you evolve a positive perspective on Islam and Muslims.

    All the best!

  45. As a Malaysian, I personally touched with your story. There are a lot we can learn from others..

    Al the best!!!

  46. hi hannah
    I'm a Malaysian currently in the UK for my studies. I appreciate your honest views on Malaysia.

    I have been to many parts of the world and I could say, Allah (God) bless Malaysia so much.

    We live in peace and harmony despite some stirs caused by racist people, we could still keep the warm ambience in here.

    Hopefully you could explore more about Islam as it only thru experience man could find the best lesson, not the misleading books.


  47. Hi Hannah, you wrote such a beautiful essay. Well done!

    I'm a Malaysian currently working in France.

    I was studying in USA from the year 2000 to 2003.
    On September 11 2001, I was also glued in front of the television just like you, shocked and filled with emotion.
    I remembered rushing to class, took my Circuit Analysis exam, rushed back home to continue watching the news and figuring out what had happened. Air travel was never the same again since that day.

    I had lived in UK, USA, Japan and now in France. Every country has its good and bad, Malaysia is no exception. Take this opportunity while in Malaysia to broaden your horizon, obtain new experiences and perhaps learn a new language.

    All the best to you and I hope you have a wonderful time in Malaysia.

  48. Amazing, simply magnificent. Im in love with your heart.
    What a beautiful person you are. You are undoubtedly going to be a great person one day and history will remember you Hannah! Your words are wise, beyond your age. If human being is going to survive for the next several millenia, it's because people like you. You make me proud as a human being!
    Im a doctor working in a busy hospital in the UK. I love my job. I love taking care of another human being. Ive treated drunkards, overdoses, suicidals etc. although they are sometimes a nuiscance, troubles and aggressive. At the end if the day, they say thank you to me every single time! That made me think that every human is born with the innate niceness. It's simple things like this that make me believe in humanity. And I find it again today reading your blog.
    I rarely cry, im a logical objective oriented person. But today I shed my tears twice! First after I read your blog, second after I watched 'what would you do', the US Tv show on youtube. I wish we could unite together as a species no matter what our races, religions are!

  49. love this loads and sharing on FB! ;) As a Singaporean muslim, its heartening to know that there is such initiative from the side of the US although I would suspect that most who would apply for it already have a predisposition to explore and appreciate differences. This may be off the charts but is there anyway to identify at risk youths, the kind that wld prolly join KKK to join in such endeavours? Just fod for thought.

    A grateful thanx for the insights and sharing, Sis!

  50. shed manly tears

    -frm malaysian muslim-

  51. Dear Hannah, Thanks for the lovely piece you wrote. I had to skip my lunch and take this opportunity to encourage you to write further, even beyond Malaysian and Muslim subject. I trust you are gifted with great mind, maturity and sense that I found out from this piece. I trust you certainly will be able to convey any other positive message well across the globe. It’s a very moving & inspiring writing that I wish more to be offered rather than hatred and prejudice thoughts we’ve seen daily. & i too believe not all Americans are as what the mainstream media had portrayed in particular against any religious or political subject they are. Enjoy your stay... –Proud Malaysian in Vienna

  52. Hi Hannah,

    I'm a YES Abroad Oman (2011-2012) alumni and I can not explain to you how well written and amazing this post was. You're an exceptional writer and I hope you continue posting throughout the year. Have a fantastic time in Malaysia because time flies by so fast when you're having the time of your life.

    -Jaira (:

  53. Hannah...I am so incredibly proud of you..proud of the courage you have to explore the world and of the fabulous writer you have become. See why I gave you the English award??

    Your writing has once again brought tears to my eyes.

    Be well.

    -Ms. Romaine

  54. I'm a Malaysian studying at the United World College in the USA. We have people from all over the world on campus (something like 80 different nationalities) and I've been wondering if this is really such a So thank you very much. Cheers! Love from Malaysia :)

    1. hi, thanks for the comment. I was thinking about applying for UWC to finish my high school education... Would you mind if I asked you some questions about it? If so, please e-mail me at hannah.amelia.catherine@aol.com thanks in advance :)

  55. Dear hannah. U deeply touched my heart. Keep it up. May Allah blessed u.

  56. Hi, I'm glad that you like our country.
    By the way, you look gorgeous wearing hijab. =)

  57. An excellent piece of sharing. We so need this to be reminded of the good in people.

  58. Dear Hannah,
    keep writing and sharing, really enjoy reading it and the replies from readers. God could have made us all white or all black or all red or all yellow or all watever but He did not for reasons. One reason He gave in The Qoran was for us to get to know each other.
    cheers and salam,

  59. what a superb piece. you write so eloquently and with such honesty that it brings tears to my eyes.

  60. I am really touched by your story! I wished everybody in this world should read it!

  61. Hi Hannah. I am touched by your matured views and great posting.
    I have been to your country to study in Texas, Albama and worked in Washington DC for a total stay of eight years. I know many Americans have wrong perceptions of Islam and Muslims but God has sent a young American to Malaysia so that when you return to your country you will have correct perception and have the truth about Islam and Muslims.
    If ten percent of Americans have same feelings and views as yours this world will be more peaceful with better human understanding.
    Have a wonderful stay in Malaysia.

  62. What a lovely essay! I had the good fortune to visit Malaysia some years ago. I was warned (by a Malaysian police officer) that as an American woman I would find traveling alone in a Muslim country uncomfortable, and probably unsafe. Nothing could have been farther from the truth! People were kind and welcoming wherever I went, leaving me with nothing but fond memories...

  63. Hi Hannah, I am so touched with your sharing of wonderful experience in Malaysia. And I know that it comes form the heart. I was a Malaysian student studying in Texas more than 20 years ago where we have to explain to people that Malaysia is between Singapore and Thailand. But now, Malaysia has placed itself in the world map for its economic development, multiracial harmony and etc. Thank you for such a great writeup and we Malaysian welcome more people like you to our country not only to understand but also to experience Malaysia.. Well done.

    1. Unfortunately in this part of US of A, Malaysia is still between Singapore and Thailand and sometimes it is "Indonesia"?? Even with F1 race every year it does
      not help - mysian in Tennessee

  64. feeding your fish at the bottom of your blog is kinda amusing... :p

  65. In my first job after college, I was in the office and saw one of our Vice-Presidents (from the US) in tears because his father was in one of the towers during 9/11. I offered a word of sympathy and condolence, and I said to myself "I hope he will not bear ill will towards Islam".

    I come from the Philippines, and unlike Malaysia, my being a Muslim is not as accepted here as it is there. Mosques are not easily accessible. Halal food is almost nowhere to be found. I cannot afford or spend time to send my kids to study Islam regularly because there is no madrasah/school in our place of stay. And often there is a news item on tv or newsprint that puts my faith in a bad light. To this day I keep hoping that people will not bear ill will towards my faith.

    I am touched by your article. I cannot agree more - no person or group of people should define a religion. Religion defines us. To this day I keep hoping that we will be better Muslims and better Christians.

    I hope you continue blogging about your time in Malaysia. We all can learn a lot from you.

    You seem to be a kind soul. I pray you get all the best in this world. God speed and peace.

  66. Hannah if I'm not mistaken a saying attributed to a great American (Abraham Lincoln) goes something like this " If you look for the good in mankind, you'll find it" And you also show how mighty the pen can be! You have a wonderful and eloquent command of the language and a depth of perception quite unusual for such a young person. I thank you for your admiration of Malaysia and Malaysians. Hope you have in mind to be in the foreign service of your country as your carrier choice! May God let you write more in the same light. Best of luck and grow up to be a change element for a better world.....a Malaysian Muslim in KL.

  67. Hi Hannah,
    It is so nice to read your words and hear how your world has opened up. Even though we miss you here at BHS, (especially in band!), your writing has brought you closer in our hearts. I hope you have a chance to play your instrument there. Music is a universal language and has a way of bringing people together. Enjoy your journey. :) Miss P

  68. Dear Hannah,

    I am a Malaysian Fund Manager who earns a living from trading the stocks markets. Thanks to YOU...reading your essay and the people who gave comments took me away from the market for 2 whole hours (Honestly...I DID NOT CRY!!!). I hope I wont get fired for this and lose money for clients...

    Anyway GOOD JOB. You stil have many more months ahead of you. make the best of it. I know I did when I was an exchange student to Canada for 2 months in 1993. ENJOY MALAYSIA. You will be the best.

  69. Bien dit !
    Je l'ai senti aussi moi.
    Bonne continuation Hannah, et passe un bon séjour en Malaisie pour les jours qui restent.

  70. Dear Hannah,
    Such a beautifully written reflection on your hitherto, two months. I am a 55-year old Singaporean father of two grown up kids (now adults). Our family spent a good six years in KL (I was with the Spore Mission office then.) My daughter (now 26 and a scrub nurse) grew up till she was six and my son (now 22 and studying in Michigan) was made in Malaysia(lol). We returned home in 1993 upon completion of my stint. We have many Malaysian friends across the different races and till today, we still maintain contact with some of them. In my work today, I still come into contact with Malaysians of different professions. Unfortunately, events since 9-11 have clouded the perceptions of non-Muslims about Islam and Muslims. Its the extremists and ultra-nationalists who are giving the Malay community and Islam the negative vibes. We have Malay/Muslim friends in Malaysia and Singapore who share my views as well. Today in Singapore, we still have several Malay families who are neighbors albeit living at different levels in our multi-storeyed block of flats. Nonetheless, I admire your splendidly written blog sharing your sincere reflections on Islam and your Muslim host family. They have indeed show the true side of who Malays/Muslims are, and as a young ambassador of peace and (agape)love you are truly God-send to share with the world on peace-loving Muslims like your host family. Hannah, you are truly an inspiration for the young people of the world. May many more youths regardless of religious affinity be inspired by your writing, and help build the world into a peace-loving place to live in. As parents (my wife and I) ourselves, we are sure your parents and family are proud of your maturity and indepth thoughtfulness. They have raise you well. May God/Allah/Yahweh/Abba (all sama-sama) continue to bless you in your remaining months in Malaysia.

  71. Can i re-blog this article to share with others? Because u don't have button SHARE here, if u don't mind.

  72. baguih tulisan hang ni hannah. bermakna betui. 'membuka minda' orang kata. hang kalu dah tua nanti musti bole tulis buku. jadi femes. nasib baik ko masih muda. aku yg seumur hidup duk Malaysia nih tau la betapa kotornye orang-orang kat Malaysia ni. takyah nak sangkal la. orang Malaysia nih sangat racist sebenarnye. sebab derang memang suka mengaku kelebihan etnik masing-masing. when asked "who are you?", derang lebih suke jawab 'saya melayu' or 'saya cina' or 'saya india' instead of answering 'Saya Orang Malaysia'. so u better watch out. tapi ko masih muda. takyah pikir sume mende ni. ini semua politik. aahh! bagus nye jadi muda nih.. haha

    *translate that*

  73. Hi. First of all, I would like to congratulate you,cik Hannah for choosing Malaysia as your destination of choice. Honestly, I just can't imagine myself being in your position. I mean, having experience all that horrors of(9-11) in your own place, and yet still having enough courage to venture out to an unfamiliar country somehow associated with it, mainly caused by misconception of Islam, a religion of peace. I strongly believe that most of us in Malaysia just wish to live in peace and harmony with each other, and to respect each other's diferences.
    A minor note, however: do expect some out-of-the-norm behavior during the upcoming election. It happens almost everytime once every 4 years...:)
    Well cik Hannah, enjoy the rest of your stay in Malaysia.
    (and i hope you don't bother yourself to translate what ururules wrote, he's just a sour grape)

    -Mat Yoe from Kelantan, Malaysia.

    1. yeah! dont bother translating. im more like a sour mangosteen than a grape..

      but im not in the "some out-of-the-norm behavior during the upcoming election" group.. im in the "all-my-life out-of-the-norm behavior" group.

  74. A very well written article from a 15yrs old student. Congratulation! I'm sure you'll become an author for a bestseller books someday. Keep it up..

  75. hi hannah.

    i love reading what uve written here :) Thanks for trying to understand what it feels like to be a muslim and lived in a muslim country with different races and religions.

    knew ur blog from blogserius. do u mind if i reblog ur post?

    zieqah :)

  76. Wow, you are a very good writer. Respect from me.

  77. Malaysian federal government are usually significant adequate to maintain common college heading even if this the key factors regarding marketing overall remoteness regarding chinese language and also native indian through some other Malaysian.Inside neighborhood Educational institutions ,Chinese language and also Native indian possess their very own examine teams as well as do not desire to reveal understanding as well as details online websites,completely abandoned through other folks,simply no harmonical signifies,not necessarily serious to be able to mix together with worldwide college students and so forth.In solid planet,this is simply not the conventional associated with residing every person wish to do business with,expertise without having respectable indicates imply practically nothing,rather than approved within worldwide methods in which have confidence in is key component # 1 within conducting business varieties,allowed this to tradition becoming taken from the era forever..

  78. Beautifully written. I’m very glad to see your post. Loved it.


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  79. Hi Hannah,
    You have brought tears to my eyes and joy to my heart. I am very proud that there are young Americans like yourself abroad. In the next year I may have the opportunity to live in Malaysia and I hope to do so with your same spirit and love for all people.

    I have reblogged your essay at:

    Thank you!

  80. My sister led me here. Nice entry Hannah! :D

  81. this world need someone exactly like u.....think positie about others races and religion.....most of the people only think by their brain not by what they see...as a malaysian n muslim,i'm proud of u

  82. very profound indeed Hannah-enjoy life in Malaysia!

  83. hi hannah, nah...you don't look bosnian. you look dazzling, amazing, glowing, stunning, beautiful, sweet.... :D

  84. Hi Hannah!

    I came across your blog when someone in my FB Newsfeed shared your recent post about knowing you're becoming Malaysian. The post made me smile :).
    But I really wanted to thank you for writing this one particular post. It is beautifully written, with a lot of heart. And it made me feel warm inside.

    I am a Malaysian (Malay) and I've been here in California for almost 10 years furthering my studies. And I wear a tudung. Although sometimes I do have to banish mis- and preconceptions that are inevitable due to my tudung, my experience here as a whole has been really positive. :) That being said, I am in a pretty diverse region in California, and I know what a sliver of Americans think of Muslims in general, due to 9/11 and what goes on in the Middle East ...
    So it makes me really hopeful to read this blog post, especially coming from someone as young as you are. So I wanted to thank you for expressing your thoughts for people to see, because perhaps you may have changed some minds.

    Thank you for liking my country! :D I can see that you are really experiencing and embracing what it's really like to live in Malaysia and be Malaysian, which is hard to do in a short vacation trip as a tourist. Have a great rest of the year and do return for a visit in the future! :))


  85. HAnnah you are wise beyond your years and I love how you have found it important to articulate your thoughts and feelings and to let your voice be known. Keep on keeping on! And may understanding and happiness follow you throughout your life :)

  86. Wow, this is one-of-a-kind blog that tells experience in colors and great yet simple language. You have what it takes to be a great writer. Accidentally found this blog when I was looking for scholarships for my tertiary study. I'm happy that you enjoyed you experience in Malaysia.

    With regards ;)

  87. Hi Hannah.
    I'm Alia and i am from Sabah. I lived in KL but moved here (to sabah) since the start of 2014. I have no idea if you'll actually see this, but hey, here goes nothing.
    Anyway, as I was saying, I just want to thank you for putting it out into the world that Muslims are NOT terrorists.
    Being a Muslim is very hard. Especially if you go on webcam sites like Omegle and people see you wearing a hijab and actually gave me a middle finger and called me a terrorist.
    There I was, trying to make friends from all over the world just to be "blessed" by a middle finger and an untruthful insult.
    But anyway, in the beginning I wanted to apply for AFS Exchange Program but there were some complications and I decide to apply next year. Anyway, choosing a few initial countries are very hard, since most of the countries listed aren't a primarily Muslim country. That scared --and excite-- me.
    I was very scared of all the stereotypes but has a dream of going abroad and experience something that can break my fear. I don't want to live a life scared of what Non Muslims think of me.
    So thank you for finally slapping the world awake from its everlasting dream and making all of those who see Muslims as terrorists change their opinion.
    Thank you.
    Terima kasih.
    Xie Xie.
    Arigato hahaha ok bye thanks xoxo


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