
About Me

Hi lovely readers! My name is Hannah and I'm from a town about an hour outside of NYC. I'm currently attending Washington College as a tentative International Studies/ Anthropology major with a triple minor (maybe) in Spanish, Chinese, and Music.

Probably the most interesting thing about me is that spent my sophomore year of high school studying abroad in Malaysia. I was very lucky to receive a full scholarship from the Department of State (read more under About YES Abroad and AFS) to be an exchange student. In Malaysia, I stayed with a host family and attended a local high school, Sekolah Menengah Main Convent Ipoh. I lived in Ipoh, but spent a lot of time in the nation’s capital, Kuala Lumpur. It was simultaneously the hardest and best year of my life. Check out my Malaysia tag for all the blog posts about that!

Traveling to Malaysia instilled in me a desire to learn more about other countries. It made the world seem very big and very small. Some of my favorite places I’ve come across are tiny cafes or parks in sleepy towns. Good environment, good food, and good people are what makes a place special. I have had periods of time where I live out of a suitcase. Those times make finding a place that can be called home even more valued. While I aim to be always on the move, I try to lay down roots as I go.

I've created this blog as a means to record my adventures, whether at home or abroad. I also run a blog for my school's admissions department and have some other works published that I'll link to. Follow for photography, ramblings, and other updates on my life!

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