One of the perks of being an exchange student is that you get invited to a lot of events, by people you don't even know, that want you there because you're foreign. That's how I ended up attending 2 Malay weddings, an Indian engagement and accidentally crashing a Chinese wedding in the span of a little over 2 weeks. The Indian engagement was...
It's strange how the world can go from a semi-normal routine to crashing down around you in the time it takes to read one e-mail. A few weeks ago, I received the news that one of the YES Abroad scholars in Indonesia had passed away while swimming in Bali with some host family members. Morgan Lide was only 17. The day when I...
On the second day of our Cameron Highlands Trip, after a very much-needed rest, we were off to see the rafflesia flower. We were bussed around Cameron Highlands to a hotel, where our group switched vehicles and piled into a Jeep. Not the kind of cute Jeep you see barreling down the roads of suburban America, but a real, legit, all terrain Jeep....
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