
Hari Raya Qurban

Hari Raya Qurban **warning this post may get slightly graphic** Today was a Muslim holiday, known in Malaysia as Hari Raya Qurban, Hari Raya Aidaldha, or Hari Raya Hajji. For the holiday, just as we did for Aidilfitri, my host family and I went balik kampung, or back to my host dad's home village. This morning was the man event of the holiday,...

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A Weekend in KL

Relay for Life KL! First of all, thanks to everyone that leaves me comments. You readers are seriously awesome and thanks for all the well wishes after my last post. I'll be fine, no worries :) Anyways, two weekends ago I went back to KL! For anyone that doesn't know, Kuala Lumpur is the capital city of Malaysia and it is a really...

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On a Serious Note: What I Wish I Could Tell Everyone

Normally I try to keep my blog pretty cheery, definitely playing up the good stuff, but there's something I feel like I need to say to people I interact with, and anyone who's ever around a foreign exchange student. Its not easy to say this to someone's face and writing has always come easier to me than making a speech. So here are...

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Volunteering with Rachael

After a really amazing weekend in KL (post about this later), my friend and fellow YES Abroad'er Rachael followed me back to Ipoh for some volunteering, and of course some fun. This is the report we submitted to AFS MAlaysia, I tried to make it less formal, but apologies if this reads as formal or too wordy.            ...

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Seratus Hari di Malaysia

One hundred days in Malaysia! Say what?! Time has flown and flies quicker every day. I'm in a list making mood, so bear with me. The following will be 100 things, separated into groups of 10, that are somewhat organized thoughts about my time here so far. Enjoy! Top 10 Things I Love About Malaysia My host family :) The food How ridiculously...

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A Very Coconut Day

Today was the best day of school ever. Seriously. It started out as most mornings do, a very tired me trying to figure out what's going on in Bahasa Melayu class, or History class, or any class that's not taught in English... But after recess, Bahasa Inggeris, and Add Maths, things got interesting. Every Thursday my class has a time called "mentor." It...

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A Day in the Life

I've officially been in Malaysia for 3 months now, which is absolutely crazy! A quarter of my year seems to have gone by in the blink of an eye.  So in honor of finally establishing a routine in my life, here's what a typical day looks like for me, complete with commentating in parentheses by yours truly! 6.20~ Host mom wakes me up...

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