
Housekeeping, Old Blog Hits New

I figured I should probably move my posts about studying abroad from my old blog over to here, so here's something I wrote rather early on my way to the airport for an interview Saturday, March 24, 2012 Writing this from my phone in the car, so excuse any bizarre typos or auto corrects. Anyways, im in the car... On my way to LaGuardia! Flying out to...

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The Application Process

So when I tell people I received this scholarship they're all like, "What? How?" So here's a timeline-ish of exactly what I had/ have to do: September: 2 weeks into first semester, I realized I wanted an atypical high school experience. Began looking into boarding schools, semester at sea, studying abroad. Really interested in all 3. October: Officially bitten by the study abroad bug!!!1!1! ....then...

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So Friday, the thirteenth, no longer ever associated with bad luck by me, I received a voicemail from my mother saying this: HANNAH check your e-mail, you've been chosen as a finalist for Malaysia! And then I screamed, almost causing a car crash..... but it's all good. And then when I checked my e-mail I received one of these: And  then  I think I stopped...

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