The Application Process

10:47 AM

So when I tell people I received this scholarship they're all like, "What? How?"
So here's a timeline-ish of exactly what I had/ have to do:

September: 2 weeks into first semester, I realized I wanted an atypical high school experience. Began looking into boarding schools, semester at sea, studying abroad. Really interested in all 3.
October: Officially bitten by the study abroad bug!!!1!1! ....then I realized there's no way my family could afford any of this....
November: Discovered YES Abroad from Adrienne's (CBYXer in Germany) blog. Made an account to fill out the application
December: Asked teachers for teacher recommendations. Thanks Mrs. Hooke and Mr. Honey! Asked parent for parent letter. Thanks M&D!
November  through December: filled out the online application. This consisted of 4 mini essays, a letter to a potential family, biographical information, and photos of us. It was very typical applicationy. The questions were to be expected and my answers to them were about 400 words each. There was no word count maximum or minimum.
December again: Got rejected from NSLI-Y. Cried my eyes out, ate enough ice cream to feed my hometown. Went through a period where I was going to give up on studying abroad completely.
January 2: Emerged from my ice cream-induced coma, ready to finish this. Realized application deadline was very soon. Got essays looked at by a friend and English teacher.
JANUARY 11: stayed up until 11 hurriedly checking over application. Submitted it!
Rest of January: waiting on waiting on waiting
February: see rest of January. Mid-late February was when we expected to hear back. Joined YES applicants blog on facebook. Started talking to some pretty fabulous people.
FEBRUARY 29: Received Semi-Finalist e-mail!
March: accepted invitation to IPSE, the In Person Selection Event, basically a weekend long interview for  the 90 semi-finalists. Submitted medical form and Academic Credit form.
March 23-25: YES Abroad IPSE in Denver, Colorado! Met so many beyond amazing people. Weekend consisted of 2 group evaluations and an individual interview, plus tons of chilling time to hang out with new friends. WILL MAKE POST ON THIS LATER
March 25: Returned home, not so confident, as everyone was a totally worthy candidate.
APRIL 13: Received Finalist notification!
April 23: Acceptance form and vaccine waivers due.

Wow. It has been an insane couple of months, and the best part is knowing it will all be worth it.

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